Welcome to the last financial advice website you will ever need to visit. I figured my 26th birthday is the best time to start it.
Welcome to the last financial advice website you will ever need to visit. I figured my 26th birthday is the best time to start it.
My goal is to help YOU set financial goals. No more struggling paycheck to paycheck, loan to loan or UNNECESSARY FINANCIAL STRESS. This blog COULD and SHOULD change your outlook on money, bills and what 48% of Americans consider stressful, finances.
I plan on releasing a new post each Monday Morning as long as I am not on a (thrifty) vacation. I do NOT give specific stock recommendations, so please do not ask.
Let me leave this first post with a few key numbers:
61 - Average retirement age, as of May 15, 2013.
82 - My average life expectancy, as of August 28, 2013
21 - Average years I have to live without your current income.
$500,000 - (Seems like a lot, huh?) This would provide me and a spouse an average of $992.06 to live on per month, for 21 years.
$990 - This is the amount average healthcare is expected to cost, per month, for 2013, May 15, 2013.
I don't think I can live off of $2.06/month, DO YOU?
To receive a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL personal financial assessment, email me at davids@eqfin.com.
"There are two ways to have more money - earn it or pay less taxes." - Personal Motto